new CD packaging continued

hello, once again its blog day, and today I have been working on my CD packaging again, today I've worked out my format; sort of a double sided book deal with pop up centerfold, and done the cover and inner cover.

heres my rough doodle working out my format


heres my cover and inner cover

 Oh and I also added that moon.

Seeing as I can't take photos of the band - or moon, I have used ones from the internet for this seeing as its just a personal project and not for commercial use.


  1. like this idea :) looks nice!

  2. thanks sarah your my first comment ever woohoo:) will be adding a back cover with fold out inner page so it becomes a zig zag sort of format and more pages inside the front cover.



Contact me


I am a Graphic Designer based in Stamford, Lincolnshire. I am currently working at mb creative, in Stamford. You can view my portfolio online on my website, or behance.
